A servant who loves God with all her heart born and raised in Darlington S.C. Attended Zion Temple Holiness Church in Timmonsville, S. C. under the leadership of Pastor Cleveland Johnson.
Minister Wilson received salvation and was baptized with water at the early age of 14 years old.
Throughout her teenage years she knew God had a calling on her life. Enjoying going to Revivals and Crusades for Christ witnessing miracles of God being performed.
She graduated from S.C. State College with a degree in Business Administration and majored in Marketing.
She received her Baptism of the Holy Ghost on Monday May 13, 1985 (day after graduation from the S.C. State).
Moved to Bridgeport CT. shortly after to attend Prayer Tabernacle Church of Love under the Leadership, Powerful preaching, and Teaching of Bishop Kenneth Moales Sr.
She then met and married her husband Minister Harold Wilson in 1988. Through this union was born a son Travis Wilson, two daughters Asia Wilson and Iona Wilson.
Later moved to North Carolina in 1990 to answer the call of ministry. She worked faithfully under the leadership of Bishop Harold Wilson, pastor and Founder of Farth Christian Revival Center and End Time Harvest Ministries assisting, praying, teaching and ministering to the needs of the people of God.
She was later Ordained to Minister and to become an Evangelist by Bishop Zebedee Stewart of the Pentecostal Church of Prayer and Deliverance in Bridgeport CT.
Traveled intensely for Revivals and Crusades in NC, SC MS, GA and PA fulfilling the duties of Pastor’s wife, taking on church leadership as needed, prayer warrior, teaching the word and ministering under the anointing of God for over Twenty years.
After the passing away of her Husband in 2014 she continued being faithful to God, helping Local Ministries, being a dedicated Church Member, doing Community Outreach Ministry, teaching and preaching as needed for many years.
While seeking to know even more of God joined Life Impact Perfecting Church in July 2022 under the dynamic leadership of Bishop R. L Mungro, as a willing vessel ready to be used in whatever capacity God sees fit for the Glory of God.
∗∗A Soul Winner for Christ∗∗
Minister Kathryn R. Sellers
Minister Phyillis Wright